Our Approach
Through a multifaceted approach, Somewhere Over the Spectrum utilizes a variety of different methodologies, including various early childhood and cognitive learning approaches to create comprehensive programming for each child to support them in discovering their love for learning. Our entire team embraces and builds on the fundamental and clinical principles of ABA with naturalistic and child-led learning methods to foster success and development for our children and families.
We have a variety of learning environments to stimulate and enhance the learning process, because not one child is the same, not one program should be written the same and not one child should be taught the same.

Functional Communication
Behavior is a form of communication, and with communication support and training we can work to scaffold language into children's daily lives to reveal the value of language. Through reinforcing appropriate and meaningful communication in a naturalistic way, we support our children in advancing their language repertoire and speaking their hearts and minds.

Through the incorporation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math within our center, we are able to expose our children to diverse activities and experiences. We understand that our children have a variety of interests and splinter skills that should be explored and discovered, supporting their growth and development.

Discrete Trial Teaching
Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT) is a systematic style of teaching that works very well with children who are systematic learners and learn best through repetition. Discrete Trial Teaching creates and organizes libraries of information; without these systems in place, language, for this type of learner, can feel intimidating and chaotic. Once mastered, these skills must then be immediately transferred to the natural environment to support the assimilation of this new information into a child’s own repertoire of skills and language.

Kimochis Social curriculum
Through the loveable characters and accessible storybooks and content, Kimochis is a social-emotional learning curriculum that teaches our children not to dismiss or shut out their emotions, but to truly listen to themselves, encouraging them to put their feelings and intentions into meaningful words. We strive to support our children in gaining greater emotional intelligence and connection with themselves and others through interacting with this curriculum.

NaTural EnVIronment Teaching
Learning happens with authenticity and originality when it is within the natural environment. Natural Environment Teaching (NET) and Incidental Teaching support children in learning through the context of play and other activities that are naturally occurring in their lives around them. When we follow a child’s lead, ultimately they show us what they want to learn, and are more apt to fully engage in the learning process, as this is content that they desire to learn.

SensorY Based Approach
Our sensory system, or the way we perceive and interpret the world and information around us, is the foundation for many of our cognitive and fundamental building blocks for our skills. We seek to understand and embrace each child’s sensory preferences to meet them where they are and empower them with the tools to support and understand their body’s needs.

Our team utilizes a variety of methods and approaches from the Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding, Food Chaining, Behavior Momentum and Sensory Play to help expose our children to new foods and eating experiences in a playful, low-pressure and supportive environment. We work to build a trusting foundation to prepare children to encounter new foods and equip parents and families with the tools to carry over these feeding supports and guidances in-home to create positive family mealtimes.
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a comprehensive early intervention approach for working with young children with Autism. ESDM is a play-based intervention that fuses together behavioral and developmental principles into an integrated and holistic approach. ESDM supports the relationship between the child and therapist in creating spontaneous learning opportunities within all environments. The naturalistic approach focuses on a multitude of early learning foundational skills which solidly support growth as a child begins to scaffold and build higher-level skills.